Tung Pai Hong | Johor Bahru, Malaysia
For the past five years, he had been troubled by acid reflux, which cut his sleep down to only three hours a night. He also suffered from burning sensations in his throat and chest, and lots of burping, too. The doctor’s prescriptions could only temporarily relieve his symptoms but couldn’t cure him. Due to a lack of sleep, he became quick-tempered, which had a negative impact on his family.
After he discovered and practiced Energy Bagua for three months, his acid reflux disappeared completely. He felt transformed! Let’s find out more about his heartwarming health journey in this video.
My name is Tung Pai Hong. I am 63 years old. I’d been suffering from acid reflux for nearly 5 years. I used to be able to sleep soundly until dawn, but due to the occurrence of acid reflux, I could only sleep about 3 hours each night at most. I usually had to lie flat or the problem would worsen. I’d feel a burning sensation in my throat and chest. Also, I’d burp a lot.
I usually prepared warm water at my bedside for this. When I woke up, I’d take a few sips of warm water. It did relieve my acid reflux, but only for a moment. The doctor gave me some prescriptions, but the relief was only temporary; the root problem remained unsolved.
Because of the lack of sleep at night, I became short-fused. The tension in my family was increasing because of this. My friends also said that I’d become very unsociable. This had been my life for the past 5 years.
After retiring in 2019, I found out about Energy Bagua. After practicing for 3 months, my acid reflux completely stopped occurring during my sleep at night. I was sleeping better; I could sleep soundly until dawn, sometimes even for 6 hours. I felt completely renewed.
My family has also become more harmonious; nobody avoids me now. My temper has improved a lot. People around me say that such change is a good sign.
Energy Bagua has transformed me. I want to express my gratitude to Grandmaster JinBodhi for such miraculous dharma, which has benefited me greatly. Thank you, Grandmaster.