Introduction to the Law of Causality

The law of causality is the most important philosophical concept in Buddhism. Causality is the law of objective existence; it was not created by the Buddha, but it was discovered and revealed by Him. Therefore, whether people believe in Buddhism or not, they are subject to this law. So, how should we interpret the law of causality? How does it affect our lives? How does the past affect the present and future? And what is karma from past lives? This article delves into these important questions, aiming to help you understand causality and transform your fate.

The Meaning of Karma

Simply put, karma is based on the “reaping what you sow” principle. The seeds sown are the “causes,” and the fruits obtained are the “effects.” Everything in the world follows this law of occurrence and development. When applied to human life, people’s actions and even their thoughts are the “causes.” As time passes, corresponding “effects” will manifest; good actions yield good results, and bad ones yield bad results. If one sows good causes, akin to planting sweet seeds, one shall harvest sweet fruits. Conversely, sowing bad causes is akin to planting sour seeds, leading to sour fruits.

Causality and Conditions

The term “conditions” refers to factors that assist the “causes.” Buddhism teaches that all phenomena in the world arise from the coming together of causes and conditions. For example, with the “cause” being a seed, if it encounters suitable soil and temperature, along with sufficient water, sunlight, and other supportive “conditions,” the seed will grow into a robust plant and eventually bear fruit. Thus, the process from “cause” to “effect” inevitably involves the collaboration of “conditions.”

The Past, Present, Future

There are often individuals who commit numerous wrongdoings but live long and prosperous lives, while some virtuous people either die young or face poverty. This raises the question of whether “reaping what you sow” is true. One needs to understand that judgment will arrive and will never miss. The Cause and Effect Sutra states that “To inquire about past-life causes, look at the circumstances of this present life; to know the future-life results, observe the deeds of this present life.” This means that a person’s current fortune is a result of their past actions, and their present good or bad deeds will determine their future wealth or misfortune.

Grandmaster JinBodhi tells us that all good and bad deeds are imprinted in our DNA. Our ancestors’ traits, health conditions, walking posture, and more will be inherited by us and our future generations. The consequences of good and bad karma are passed down from generation to generation. Thus, causality isn’t limited to the current lifetime; as the saying goes, “The debt will be repaid at the right time.” Therefore, to fully comprehend karmic retributions, one must consider that their actions in past lives could affect their present and future lives.

Reaping What You Sow

The law of cause and effect, by which good is sown and good is reaped, brings cause and effect together.

The Law of Causality Is the Law of the Universe

Buddhism regards the law of causality as a natural law of the Universe that has existed since the beginning of time. Grandmaster JinBodhi states that “causes” create “effects” and the feelings brought about by these “effects” are the “retribution.” The fruits of good actions usually bring feelings of happiness, while the consequences of bad actions often lead to distress and suffering, which cannot be escaped.

The sutras also state that “even after a thousand lifetimes, the deeds are not forgotten. When conditions are met, the consequences will manifest.” Like a shadow accompanying a form, people, regardless of their social status or wealth, are bound by the laws of causality. Whether actions are good or bad, the ultimate consequences are borne by oneself. Thus, in the face of causality, all beings are truly equal.

Understanding cause and effect helps dispel evil karma. Buddhism enlightens people about the cycles of causality and karmic retribution, teaches everyone to cease wrongdoing and promote goodness to build positive connections. Grandmaster JinBodhi also reminds everyone to respect causality, look after their actions and thoughts with compassion, refrain from evil deeds, and actively practice virtuous deeds. Only through this path can one transform their future and forge an auspicious life.

The Story of Grandpa Li

During the late Qing dynasty in rural Anhui, there was a scholar named Grandpa Li who had studied medicine. He also owned several tens of acres. One cold winter morning, Grandpa Li found an abandoned infant suffering from smallpox. Feeling pity, he took the baby home. After some treatments, the child’s illness was cured, but it left many unsightly pockmarks on her face.

As the girl grew older, Grandpa Li did not hide her true origin. Knowing about her origin and being aware of her appearance, the girl strove to work diligently around the house, efficiently managing the household. However, due to her pockmarked face, she remained unmarried until the age of 13 or 14. (Note: During feudal times, girls married at a young age.)

During one workday, the exhausted girl fell asleep, and Grandpa Li observed his son covering her with a piece of clothing. This gesture led Grandpa Li to feel his son’s interest in the girl. Considering their similar ages and the girl’s intelligence and homemaking skills, Grandpa Li decided to arrange their marriage. Surprisingly, after the marriage, the fate of the Li family changed dramatically. The son, who previously had mediocre academic performance, suddenly excelled and passed the imperial examination, entering government service. The girl gave birth to eight children for the Li family, six of whom also passed the imperial examination and became government officials with high ranks.

The girl Grandpa Li had saved turned out to be the reincarnation of the mother of Li Hongzhang, a prominent statesman during the Qing dynasty. After marrying into the Li family, the girl not only harbored a sense of gratitude but also brought prosperity and honor to the Li family through her descendants. For his kindness, Grandpa Li had been rewarded. It shows that a single virtuous deed triggered immense positive outcomes, demonstrating the reality of karmic consequences.

Fate Transformation With Bodhi Meditation Chanting Class

If you wish to accumulate merit for your future lives, you can follow Grandmaster JinBodhi in practicing meditation and performing virtuous deeds. Since the beginning of his dharma-teaching career, Grandmaster JinBodhi has been dedicated to enabling the public to attain health and happiness through compassionate endeavors. The Bodhi Meditation organization, founded by Grandmaster JinBodhi, regularly conducts various chanting classes and meditation courses, teaching effective methods for chanting and meditating. These courses further explain the concepts of causality and reincarnation, assisting the participants in understanding the world and transforming their fate through their actions for a happy and fulfilling life. Feel free to attend in-person courses at Bodhi Meditation Centers or participate in online courses led by Grandmaster JinBodhi, such as the “Understanding Life Chanting Class,” “Seize Your Fate Chanting Class,” and “Earth Store Merits Chanting Class.” Listen to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings on the laws of the Universe, the principles of causality, and the truths of life. Simultaneously, you can eliminate calamities and karmic hindrances for yourself and your family, thereby transforming your fate.

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