Aids Digestion、Burns Fat


  • Garlic:500 g
  • Rice vinegar:500 ml
  • Rock sugar:40 g


Peel the garlic cloves and remove the stems; place them in a clean, dry, oil-free jar. Add the rice vinegar and rock sugar, screw the lid on tightly, and serve 7 days later.

Demonstration Video

Health Benefits:

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, aids digestion, inhibits fat accumulation, promotes weight loss, detoxifies, purifies the blood, enhances blood circulation, and prevents arteriosclerosis.


In regions with significant temperature differences between day and night, store at room temperature for 7 days before consuming.

In tropical regions such as Southeast Asia, it is recommended to refrigerate the garlic-filled jar at night and take it out to store indoors during the day. After 7 days of this process, it will be ready to eat.