Red date and Chinese sage tea is a popular and healthy drink in spring. Red dates have the effects of boosting vital energy, nourishing blood and liver, and detoxification. Chinese sage is a protector of the cardiovascular system. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, it has the effects of nourishing the heart and blood, calming the mind, and improving blood circulation. Here is a recipe for the drink:


  1. Red dates:4-5 pieces
  2. Chinese sage slices:5 g (1 tsp)


  1. Wash the red dates, remove the pits, and soak them in warm water for later use.
  2. Brew the red dates and Chinese sage slices in hot water.

Friendly Reminders:

  • Consume in moderation to avoid too much inner heat.
  • Diabetics should pay attention to sugar intake (red dates are naturally sweet).