
What should young people do to prepare themselves for a career path? How can you do a good job without worrying too much? What attitudes can help you create great achievements in the workplace and increase your value?

In this video, Grandmaster JinBodhi provides practical career advice for young friends. If you are at a loss in your career, his advice can guide your thoughts and point you toward success.

【You will learn】

  • The attitudes critical for success in the workplace


Young people should be raised to have morally sound values and display altruistic behavior. Dedication to society is the greatest. I know a few young graduates who built houses, schools and bridges in Africa and other countries. They deserve respect. I believe these young people will create great achievements in the future. That is altruism.

We should embrace altruism first, and then plan our career. If you are altruistic, you won’t complain a lot in the workplace. Besides, you have family, loved ones, and people who love you, right? You need to be responsible for them and give love back. So you should be grateful when dealing with your boss. Take the initiative to do a good job. Don’t wait to be held accountable. Sound fair? Let’s take designers as an example. If the boss asks you to make changes to meet the requirements, you should do that. That is your job, right?

Also, learn by doing and keep pace with the times. Right? Your job, position, age and society are changing all the time. They are all changing. Think about instruments that we use in the world. From 1990 to 2002, how much have they changed? How many people had a computer 30 years ago? But now everyone has one, right? So the technology of the whole society is changing. And we should follow these changes. It is the same in the

workplace. Your values and your attitude are the most critical.

If our young friends really listen to my words, you will avoid making detours. It allows you to get a sense of achievement and happiness faster. You will get your family’s, colleagues’, classmates’, boss’s, and everyone’s praise and recognition. So, you will succeed in the workplace earlier than others. It is a career shortcut, and I hope you can get it.