
When a ship resists the swells caused by a violent typhoon, it is as fragile as the foam on the ocean surface. Where did two giant whales come from to protect a ship and save all those on board?

When facing natural phenomena such as strong winds, huge waves, earthquakes, heavy rains, etc., human lives are fragile and vulnerable. However, there are always miracles that happen at the critical moment to resolve the danger and save everyone. Can you ask for a miracle? Please listen as Grandmaster JinBodhi tells this miraculous story.

【You will learn】

  • The most effective method of self-rescue in a crisis
  • Being touched by Guanyin Bodhisattva’s great compassion
  • Elevate your reverence to Nature


Today I want to share a story with everyone. It is a story about whales.

The story goes like this. There was a big Western ship that departed from Shanghai, China. It was carrying laborers to San Francisco, which used to be called “Gold Mountain”, as people believed gold would be found there. This big ship carried many Chinese laborers. It headed toward San Francisco.

The ocean between China and Canada is the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is very big. When the ship had almost arrived in Canada, close to the border with the United States, the weather on the ocean suddenly changed. Nowadays, we would call it a super typhoon. The gigantic waves made the ship look small.

Everyone was very scared and didn’t know what to do. They couldn’t jump into the water because of the typhoon, right? Whether they jumped or not, the ship would capsize. At this time, a woman put her palms together and chanted to the sky. She was in danger, so she chanted “Namo Guanyin Bodhisattva” out loud. She wasn’t composed; she was crying for help, as the ship could capsize at any moment.

After she had chanted for a while, something incredible happened. On the surface of the water, they saw on the ocean’s surface, on either side of the ship, right and left, a huge black whale had appeared on the left side of the ship while a big white whale had appeared on the right side. Both whales were longer than the ship. We have never seen whales that big. The longest whale I have seen is around 10 meters, about the size of a truck.

These huge whales helped protect the boat from the big waves and prevented it from capsizing. No big problem occurred, nothing scary. The huge waves had made the captain nervous despite his experience. After seeing the whales, he didn’t know why, but he knew the whales were protecting them. So he steered the ship as fast as he could toward Vancouver.

Under the protection of the large whales, the people onboard witnessed the ship arrive safely in Vancouver. The people on the ship survived. This is unbelievable.