
Life is full of surprises in the form of tragic accidents or pleasant discoveries. When it comes to sudden disasters, can they be avoided? The answer is yes. People who successfully escape are the so-called“lucky ones”. However, who can be a lucky one?

Hu Shi, the philosopher, once said, “To harvest, one has to plant.” In this case, it means there is no luck; all luck comes from a daily accumulation of merits. How did the heroine in this story avoid a catastrophe? Grandmaster JinBodhi will tell you in this video

【You will learn】

  • Ways to forge good luck
  • The revelation of widening connections with others


(A female worker in a food factory was locked in the freezer accidentally. There was no window nor signal. Unexpectedly, what she had done previously changed her fate.)

I’m going to tell you a story called “The Freezer”

There was a young, beautiful woman who worked happily in a food-processing factory for a few years. She loved her job very much. One afternoon, she went to the freezer to do something. Unfortunately, she was locked inside the freezer by a careless worker. She cried for hours and no one heard her. She would be lucky if someone came to open the door. If she was still there the next day, she would die.

When she was the most terrified and frozen nearly to the point of unconsciousness, the freezer door opened. Wow! She immediately opened her eyes and saw the security guard. He saved her from the freezer. She asked the security guard, “How did you know I was in the freezer?”

The security guard replied, “I have worked here for 30 years. Honestly, I am just a doorman here. Among the many employees, my position is not that high. So, usually, other workers act like they don’t know me. Only a few greet me. You are the only one among the young and beautiful women who greets me, who says “good morning” every morning and “goodnight, see you tomorrow” in the evening. You always greet me happily.

But on that day, you only greeted me in the morning and left for work. Then, later, among the few hundred people leaving work, I didn’t hear you say “goodbye, see you tomorrow.” I was worried that something had happened. I searched the entire factory.”

And then he said, “I had a previous experience. Someone died in the freezer because they were locked inside by mistake. So I opened the freezer and found you inside.”

(A warm heart melts the ice of misfortune. A seed of compassion and kindness blooms and bears fruit unexpectedly.)