August 30th (Wednesday) is the Ullambana Festival. Let us join Grandmaster JinBodhi in chanting the “Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra”, sincerely pray to the Great Vow Earth Store Bodhisattva and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, in order to compassionately liberate our departed family members and ancestors.

During the livestream, Grandmaster will bless and ritually burn the lotus tablets and the “Earth Store Bodhisattva Blessing & Merits” prayer list. May everyone fulfill their wishes, and may the departed be guided by the Buddha to be reborn in Pure Land!

All participants will receive the blessings and protection of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, eliminating disasters, increasing fortune and wisdom, and ensuring auspiciousness!

00:00:00 2023 Ullambana Festival

◎ 2023 Ullambana Festival Ceremony
00:00:37 2023 Ullambana Festival Ceremony
00:13:00 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Teachings: The benefits of accumulating merit during Ullambana Festival

◎ Testimonial from Online Friends
00:22:36 The Bodhisattva guided my deceased mother to rebirth
00:26:22 Offering to Earth Store Bodhisattva extended my life
00:33:35 Light Offering for my deceased parents and ancestors brought auspicious dreams
00:39:13 Light Offering saved my husband from life-threatening calamities!

◎ Chanting and Ritual Ceremony
00:48:00 Sincere Chanting to the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra
01:07:35 Grandmaster JinBodhi chants prayers and conducts the paper offering salvation
01:16:22 The salvation ritual concludes auspiciously

※ Malaysia country: For non-Muslim only