In August 2021, to support and pay respect to frontline medical staff working on epidemic prevention, Grandmaster JinBodhi painted “Auspiciousness of Five Blessings” to raise funds for their efforts. All the donations raised by the painting, plus a personal donation from Grandmaster, resulted in a total of CAD $400,000 being donated to the Richmond Hospital Foundation in British Columbia, Canada.

On June 28, 2022, Mr. Spencer Gall, the fundraising project director of the Richmond Hospital Foundation, came to the Vancouver Bodhi Meditation Center. With deep gratitude, he presented Grandmaster and the Bodhi Meditation Organization with two special honorary awards:

 ⭐ Ph.D. of Inspiration

⭐ Doctor of Philanthropy

Thanks to these donations, the Acute Psychiatric Department at Richmond Hospital has been remodeled and will be opened in November this year, creating a peaceful environment for the recovery and treatment of patients.

Also, these funds will be used to build a new medical building complete with equipment, more patient beds and surgery rooms, so that Richmond Hospital can serve and benefit more patients in the future.

Grandmaster was happy and gratified to learn that the donations would benefit sentient beings. With a sincere heart and compassionate love, let’s continue to work together to help everyone get rid of illness and live a healthy and beautiful life!