Practice Energy Bagua daily, live to 99! Today’s livestream is for Energy Bagua lovers.

While practicing Energy Bagua, you may encounter questions about the movements. With Grandmaster JinBodhi’s personal guidance for all your Energy Bagua related questions, may you improve your practice and achieve better results!

★ Livestream Contents:
00:00:00 Energy Bagua Q&A: What is the right distance and speed for walking Energy Bagua?
00:04:26 Energy Bagua Q&A: Will there be negative energy if we practice with people who are sick?
00:16:20 Energy Bagua Q&A: Will there be a 2-hour version of Energy Bagua practice music?
00:18:42 Energy Bagua Q&A: How do you stay relaxed with the correct posture?
00:25:56 Energy Bagua Q&A: Can those who have Meniere’s disease walk Energy Bagua?
00:29:56 Energy Bagua Q&A: How to settle Qi in the lower abdomen?
00:37:18 Energy Bagua Q&A: What is the best way to keep energy in the body?

00:51:00 The Key to Changing Fate: The importance of integrity and persistence
01:04:47 The Importance of Preventative Medicine: The Story of Bian Que and Lord Huan of Cai

01:13:25 Energy Bagua Q&A: Do we exhale when we settle qi?
01:14:24 Energy Bagua Q&A: Can we walk faster during cold weather?
01:22:27 Energy Bagua Q&A: Is it better to practice Energy Bagua in the morning or at night?
01:23:07 Energy Bagua Q&A: How to deal with distractions and remain focused while walking Energy Bagua?
01:24:22 Energy Bagua Q&A: Can I walk Energy Bagua if scoliosis prevents me from adopting the proper posture?

01:28:56 Grandmaster demonstrates the Energy Bagua posture “drop your shoulders and elbows”
01:37:09 Energy Bagua Q&A: During closing exercises, is it better for our abdomen to be soft or hard while patting?
01:48:41 Energy Bagua Q&A: When we bend our wrist, how much force should we use?
01:49:04 How can we understand the instruction to ‘guide qi towards the head and feet’?

01:51:27 Energy Bagua Testimonial: Eczema and arm injury improve after Energy Bagua
01:58:13 Energy Bagua Testimonial: Palpitations, insomnia, hives and floaters disappear after Energy Bagua

02:04:39 Students questions and sharing
02:10:04 Lucky Draw: Congratulations to the all lucky draw winners!
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