The 49 days after the death of a loved one is very important. If relatives accumulate merits for them during this period, they will be able to obtain guidance from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and be reborn in good places. Following Buddha’s guidance on how to accumulate merits and eliminate bad karma can enable ourselves and our family to obtain great benefits.

In this session, Grandmaster also interprets dreams about ancestors and answers student questions, helping everyone find a way out from their problems.

Sincerely Learn the Earth Store Sutra Receive Blessings & Achieve Liberation:
Make a Light Offering:
Write to Grandmaster JinBodhi: [email protected]

★ Livestream Content:
◎ Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra: Chapter Six – Tathagata’s Praise
00:00:00 The merits of reciting the Earth Store Sutra and offering to the Earth Store Bodhisattva
00:11:01 Merits of reciting for the bedridden and for those having frequent nightmares
00:18:36 Merits of reading for those from the lower classes and those with bad karma
00:19:59 Merits of reading for newborn babies
00:21:03 Merits of reading on the Ten Observance Days

◎ Earth Store Sutra Chapter Six Q&A
00:25:43 Q&A: Can we accumulate merits by drawing Buddha thangkas ourselves?
00:41:23 Q&A: Why are there consequences for ridiculing and slandering those who pay respect to Earth Store Bodhisattva?
00:43:49 Q&A: Why do we need to offer our favorite things to Buddha?
00:50:41 Q&A: How can we help our deceased relatives escape from the evil realms?
00:53:15 Q&A: Does reciting the “Earth Store Sutra” for children of any age have merits?

◎ Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra: Chapter Seven – Benefiting the Living and the Deceased
01:00:32 How to accumulate merits for dying relatives to escape from the evil realm?
01:17:55 How to make offerings to Buddha and Sangha

◎ Earth Store Sutra Chapter Seven Q&A
01:21:00 Q&A: Are bad thoughts considered sins?
01:25:42 Q&A: How to avoid making bad friends?
01:33:59 Q&A: How to read the “Earth Store Sutra” for our dying relatives?
01:39:24 Q&A: How to differentiate between deceased relatives and evil ghosts in disguise?
01:48:23 Q&A: If I see Buddha at the end of my life, will I still be judged by the underworld?
01:49:59 Q&A: Is everything that we see at the end of our lives an illusion?
01:51:35 Dream Interpretation by Grandmaster
01:58:39 Merit Testimonial: Reducing my grandma’s bad karma by reading the “Earth Store Sutra”

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