| During the Ullambana Festival, give the gift of illumination through Bodhi Meditation light offerings. The joy of Buddha and our ancestors will bless us and our descendants with auspiciousness and a smooth future.

The final session of the “Auspiciousness from Filial Piety Group Practice” was broadcast on the day of Ullambana Festival. In the dharma talk, Grandmaster JinBodhi explained that Ullambana Festival is also known as the “Joyous Buddha Day”. It is important that we learn to be respectful to our elders as this will bring joy to Buddha and our ancestors. Only then will our lives be auspicious and smooth. Online friends from all over the world shared stories about the benefits that they received from chanting and making light offerings during the Ullambana Festival. Grandmaster answered online friends’ questions about praying to the ancestors, about premonitions that arise while paying respects to the Buddha and about Bodhi Meditation’s light offerings. Grandmaster JinBodhi also led everyone in chanting “The Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra”. As we chanted, we prayed for our ancestors to be blessed with bright illumination and for all sentient beings to be blessed with safety, auspiciousness, prosperity and longevity.

★The content of the live broadcast is as follow:
00:00:00 The broadcast of “Auspiciousness from Filial Piety Group Practice (Ullambana Festival)” begins.
0:04:18 Chant to liberate the spirits during the Ullambana Festival.
0:06:44 Bring joy to our parents and ancestors on this Joyous Buddha Day. As descendants, our lives will be auspicious only when our ancestors have been liberated from sufferings.
0:09:33 The cycle of life and death is the natural law of the universe. Let us learn to respect our seniors and pass on the kindness.
0:12:24 After I chanted and made light offerings during the Ullambana Festival, I saw my departed loved ones being liberated.
0:15:46 After I chanted and made light offerings during the Ullambana Festival, I saw my departed relatives smiling and my business flourished.
0:18:27 My light offering during the Ullambana Festival helped my brother-in-law attained liberation.
0:19:26 I offered a plaque for my departed uncle and he came to thank me for it in my dream.
0:20:59 What does it mean when I dream of my departed loved ones in unpleasant conditions? What should I do?
0:30:57 After I made light offerings for my departed son, I had a dream of him in a brightly illuminated place.
0:32:52 Online friends’ sharing: I had a dream of my departed grandfather in an unpleasant situation. After I made light offerings for him, I had another dream of him and this time he was in a good place.
0:35:06 After I made 49-day light offerings for my mother, I dreamt of her smiling very happily.
0:37:36 The merits of meal offerings to cultivators helped my mother regain her health.
0:40:04 Can someone who is sick or someone who is deceased wear Bodhi Meditation’s attire?
0:42:50 Bodhi Meditation’s ligth offerings: I dreamt that my departed uncle was not doing very well. After I made light offerings for him, he never appeared in my dreams any more.
0:45:48 I dreamt that my departed grandfather was not doing very well. After I made light offerings for him, I had a dream of him walking towards a bright place.
0:47:22 Why is it that my grandfather was not able to receive paper offerings that I burnt for him, but was able to receive the light offerings that I made for him?
0:52:53 What does it mean when the flames of the light that I offered for my ancestors are especially bright?
0:54:55 Premonitions while paying respects to Buddha: Perform more good deeds to accumulate merits when you encounter these situations: incense sticks breaking or incense or light extinguished halfway.
0:56:58 Strengthen your will to perform more good deeds to accumulate merits so as to gain auspiciousness for the long term.
1:06:13 The more you give, the more you receive; Our lives will be better only by performing more good deeds and being respectful to our elders.
1:06:53 Chanting: Grandmaster JinBodhi led everyone in chanting The Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra.
1:44:11 Auspicious blessings: May the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas help fulfill all our wishes; may all sentient beings be blessed with safety, auspiciousness, prosperity and longevity.

【Related links】
Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jinbodhienglish/
Bodhi Meditation Official website: https://www.puti.org
Energy Bagua Official website:https://www.energy-bagua.com

#JinBodhi #GrandmasterJinBodhi #AuspiciousnessFromFilialPietyGroupPractice #UllambanaFestival #ChantingAndPraying #BlessedWaterBlessings #IncenseOfferingToBuddha #BodhiMeditationLightOffering #LightOfferingToLiberateDeceased #MeritsOfOfferings #TheEarthStoreBodhisattvaHeartMantra #Cibeiyin #RespectTheElders #RespectfulPrayersForTheDeparted