| Helping without expectations garner extensive merits, Ullambana festival light offering benefits, and Dzi beads for protection.

In the live broadcast of ‘Auspiciousness from Filial Piety Group Practice (Part 3)’, Grandmaster JinBodhi shared stories of kind people being rewarded for good deeds, and enlightened on the extensive merits in helping others without expectations. Grandmaster also explained light offering benefits to ancestors, and phenomena that are inauspicious and ways to resolve. Online participants actively posted stories following their chanting practices, light and other offerings during the live broadcast. Grandmaster JinBodhi led everyone to recite the heart mantra of the Earth Store Bodhisattva to usher blessings to ancestors, and highlighted the auspicious energy of Bodhi Meditation blessed treasures, including the material, function, source and uses for blessed Dzi beads.

★The live broadcast includes the following points:
00:00:00 Commencement of Auspiciousness from Filial Piety Group Practice (Part 3)
00:10:56 Kindness begets kindness: The story of the grandpa who sold honey
00:23:59 Kindness begets kindness: The story of the guy who helped build the dam
00:29:08 Giving is a blessing: people who donate often are likelier to be rich, and those who help others without expectations accumulate extensive merits
00:42:26 Kindness begets kindness: kindergarten teacher selflessly gave and her daughter was healed without medicine
00:49:47 Perform more merits, practice diligently to eliminate karma
00:51:09 Tips when offering light: wick cannot light up, light bottle filled with soots, cracked light bottle, light extinguishes half-way, dim light, hand gets scalded – are all inauspicious, and could mean one should accumulate more merits
00:55:09 Chanted for the father who passed away. Father appeared in the dream, and was getting better
01:02:18 Light offering reminder: The dimmed light could be because many people were ‘sharing’ in the offering
01:06:25 Bodhi Meditation light offering: for deceased grandpa and grandma who relayed in a dream that they received joss currencies
01:07:08 Bodhi Meditation light offering: After participating in Ullambana festival event and offering lights, her arms became more relaxed and she felt full of energy
01:08:36 Online participants’ testimonial: After attending Grandmaster JinBodhi’s course, he offered a tablet for his departed father-in-law
01:11:06 Bodhi Meditation light offering: Lit a lamp for the husband, and he immediately found a new job
01:13:17 Bodhi Meditation light offering: Friend requested through dream for light offering during Ullambana festival for three consecutive years; after that he no longer had the dream
01:14:27 Offering before the Buddha: Offering to ancient Thangka for seriously ill mother aided in her swift recovery
01:16:17 Bodhi Meditation light offering: Light offerings, meditative practices helped to eliminate over 5 months of red spots on the leg
01:17:57 Bodhi Meditation light offering: Light offerings made husband radiant; smoothened paths for relatives
01:21:30 Tips for ancestral offering: offered fruits fall, joss sticks break or flame extinguishes, incense burner topple, could indicate dissatisfaction of the ancestors and require earnest worship
01:25:32 Filial piety: Respect your ancestors and parents, and confess for misdeeds
01:27:07 Tips on prayer beads: If you cannot find the prayer beads or had spilt them over the floor, perform meritorious remedies
01:29:00 Chanting to the Buddha: Grandmaster JinBodhi led everyone in chanting the heart mantra of the Earth Store Bodhisattva
01:51:54 Blessed items for warding off evil spirits: Bodhi Meditation blessed treasures and Dzi beads
01:52:43 Dzi Beads: Material, function, source and uses of Dzi Beads
02:08:56 Dzi Beads protection: Daughter had dreams often that her departed grandfather wanted to take her away; after wearing the Dzi Beads, she no longer experienced such dreams
02:10:02 Dzi Beads: Wearing Dzi Beads kept her safe and sound despite a fall
02:10:30 Dzi Beads: Dzi Beads protected her and her elderly mother
02:10:59 Dzi Beads: Tibetan used the Dzi Beads worn by Grandmaster JinBodhi in medicine to help save a life
02:15:00 Blessed treasures: the preciousness of the items is not in their prices, but in the blessings

【Related links】
Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/jinbodhienglish
Bodhi Meditation Official website:https://www.puti.org
Energy Bagua Official website:https://www.energy-bagua.com

#JinBodhi #GrandmasterJinBodhi #AuspiciousnessFromFilialPietyGroupPractice #UllambanaFestival #CauseAndEffectKarma #LightOfferingForLiberation #KarmicCreditor #BodhiMeditationLightOffering #DedicationOfMerit #HeartMantraOfKsitigarbhaBodhisattva #CiBeiYinPortal #EliminateNegativeKarma #LightOfferingToBuddha #OfferingEvent