Grandmaster JinBodhi specially conducts live broadcast of [Family Precepts] series to guide online friends on family moral ethics to promote a cohesive, harmonious and prosperous family so that every child of a family will turn out to be successful in life to contribute to society.

✔ Grandmaster JinBodhi YouTube video teachings: https://youtu.be/uCn_vVBtNqI
✔ Become a Facebook fan of Grandmaster Jin Bodhi: https://www.facebook.com/jinbodhienglish/
✔ Sponsor Grandmaster Jin Bodhi Facebook Online Classes: https://www.yushuhome.com/

【Related links】
Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jinbodhienglish
Bodhi Meditation Official website: https://www.puti.org
Energy Bagua Official website:https://www.energy-bagua.com

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