
At home, your parents are your pillars, but when you are away from home, your friends are the ones you rely on. No matter how much support you have from your parents, you cannot rely on them forever and the day will eventually come when you have to depend on yourself. As such, it is not an exaggeration to say that your future depends on how you manage your relationships with those you meet. Social communication is a serious topic, but if it is approached from the perspective of meditation, it is often easier than you think.

In this video, Grandmaster JinBodhi tells a story of an immature CEO and advices on the importance of building positive affiliations for the future.

【You will learn】

  • Ways to build positive affiliations for the future

【Featured aphorisms】

  • A compassionate person must be able to willingly suffer losses, offer money and strength, as well as live with less enjoyment.
  • Immaturity is about blaming the world instead of yourself.
  • You can offer much, such as money, strength, time, knowledge or even love.


To build positive connections to transform your fate, you must learn to give and contribute more.

Chief Emptyheaded Officer

I have been talking about methods of building a positive connection with others. It is just about preparing to give more. You can donate more money, provide more strength, dedication, care, and run more errands for others. All the effort you put in will definitely be in conflict with enjoying life.

Your friend needs help right before you are about to rest on the sofa after pouring a cup of tea. You are also pretty tired after a day of work. You want to enjoy life. You have kids and elders as well, but your friend has an emergency and needs your help. What would you do? That depends on how compassionate you are. You will rush to help if you are compassionate. “My friend asked me because he considers me a friend. I must hurry up and go.”

Don’t think that one day you will need help too. That is too shallow. These people are normal beings. You will definitely be troubled because of

this. If you are asked to help, that means people feel close to you. So just help out willingly. Don’t think about whether people will help you back. To be a good, compassionate person, you have to be a giver. Provide your money and strength and spend less time enjoying yourself. Also, let go of your ego. Don’t think otherwise just because you are a boss.

Once, our filming team was on location for a shoot. Many of them are not really good at socializing like salesmen are, as they are focused on technical skills. They were carrying lots of equipment. It was a place they had never been to so they were nervous. They didn’t know where to go. They finally found a fellow practitioner who said there would be a secret code signifying our people and car. But in the end, the one who picked them up was a local CEO.

He volunteered himself for the job. Everyone was busy and he was the only one free who had a car. So, he volunteered to pick up the filming team. Our filming team forgot their manners and right away asked, “Where is the car?” So they got to his car, loaded up the equipment and headed off. He was angry when he dropped them off. He said he wouldn’t do the return trip. He went to the person in charge and said, “I am not doing it.”

“What is wrong?” “I felt humiliated.” “Why? Did the girls hurt you or what?” He said, “No, they didn’t, but they had no manners.” After learning about the entire encounter, our practitioner told him, “I investigated and

found that they did not humiliate you.” He said, “How could they forget to show manners to a CEO?” “Why are you so immature as a CEO?” Yes, C, E for emptyheaded, O.

You are here to accumulate merits. The kids were carrying heavy equipment in a foreign place. The kids trusted him yet he was making it difficult for them. It is best that he quit because he knows nothing. Right? Being a CEO doesn’t make you a know-it-all. He came to us because he is immature and he is sick due to his ignorance. You are still thinking of yourself as a CEO when you are accumulating merit. Change it. “Master, how can I change it?” I asked him to change his title to “Chief Emptyheaded Officer.”

In the end, he changed the title on his name cards. His friends would ask why, and he would say it is because he is immature. You are not entitled to anything just because you are a CEO. He is too arrogant. Later, his wife told me he is the CEO, but no employees are under him. Why? Because his employees couldn’t stand him. It is a shell company with only one person. His employees might still be around if he weren’t so ignorant. His wife agreed. She wanted to run away but stayed with him because of the kids. If they had no kids, he would be single now. He had anger-management issues and scolded everyone around him. He never stopped blaming others. A person who thinks the world is wrong is immature.

If you want to build a positive attraction to transform your fate, you must learn to give and contribute more. What can you give? Firstly money, then strength, time, skill, knowledge, and love. There is more that I can’t think of. Being a self-cultivator with morality means learning to be at a disadvantage and dedicate yourself. Your contributions help not only in building your own positive connections but also those of your future generations. Sowing kindness and kindness will return to you. To do that, you need to give and contribute more.