What kind of punishments does hell have? How can we avoid going to hell?
What are the merits and benefits of offering to Earth Store Bodhisattva?
Sincerely Learn the Earth Store Sutra Receive Blessings & Achieve Liberation: https://www.puticollege.com/lecture/130
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★ Livestream Contents:
00:00:00 The karma of bad deeds and ways to resolve them
◎ Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra: Chapter Four – The Karmic Effects of Sentient Beings of Jambudvipa
00:01:26 Attaining Liberation from the Six Realms of Samsara
00:15:08 Story: The vow of a king
00:17:34 Story: The bright-eyed girl who saved her mother from hell
00:31:08 Merits Accumulation: The merits accumulated by making offerings to Earth Store Bodhisattva
00:40:36 Cause and Effect: Why hell is not empty?
00:45:26 Cause and Effect Story: The consequences of the hunter
00:54:21 Cause and Effect: The consequences of abusing children, slandering and destroying the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
01:09:01 Q&A: How to help our relatives to escape from hell?
01:14:16 Q&A: Why does sculpting Buddha statues and painting Buddha statues painting thangka bring immense merits to the offeror?
◎ Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra: Chapter Five – The Names of the Hells
01:21:15 The Names of the Hells: Recognize different types of hell
01:27:40 The Punishments of Hells: What are the tools and punishments in hell?
01:31:24 Q&A: Is the calamity of life caused by our sin?
01:33:37 How to resolve spiritual problems such as sleep paralysis and meeting lost souls?
01:41:57 Cultivation: Good luck is from cultivation
★ The Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra Book
Traditional Chinese https://www.cibeiyin.com/en/106004230
Simplified Chinese https://www.cibeiyin.com/en/106003230
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