Liver disease is a health issue that strikes fear into people. The world continues to await a cure that would address the root causes of severe liver diseases such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. With that said, is there no hope for people once they have received a diagnosis? Of all Nature’s creations, is there anything we can use to recover from liver diseases?
Listen to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s lesson to find out about the special herb that could be the lifesaver for all liver-disease patients.
【You will learn】
- A lifesaving herb that makes liver diseases less scary
- The right way of consuming the herb
- A true story by Grandmaster JinBodhi about someone who survived severe liver disease
When a liver disease is diagnosed, it’s usually already a late-stage illness. For example, the third or fourth stage of liver cancer or cirrhosis. And then the doctors would be honest with you: “You still have 6 months.” Some are even more accurate; they’d tell you, “You still have 3 months and 5 days.” Not even a fortuneteller or the King of Hell can do that. How would the patient feel after hearing that? (Hopeless.) All values, beliefs, codes vanish, just like that; the patient has lost all the beauty in their life.
Everyone loves the world they were born and raised in. We all have family, relatives and friends, and we love them. But when you’re told you only have around a year or maybe less to live, how are you feeling? Who would be willing to hear this? Some would ask, “Why me?” Some would slam their hand on the doctor’s desk. Some would ask what they had done to deserve this.
(In some videos, when a doctor thinks a patient’s dying soon, he tells the patient’s family, “Treat your dad better,” or “Buy him his favorite food.” And then the filial children would kneel and beg the doctor to save their parent.)
There are people struggling to feed themselves because they’re out of a job. Life is hard when you’re poor. You don’t eat well when you have financial difficulties, and then it’s easy to get sick. (Say, viral hepatitis.) Yes, due to viral infection. (Malnourishment could also lead to hepatitis.) Not just hepatitis. (Right.) Do people fall sick only when they’re poor? No. When the poor strike a fortune, they want to eat everything they couldn’t afford before. Is this good? Not really.
Eating luxuriously often leads to indigestion. Eating too much food you’re not used to could lead to high cholesterol, blood lipids and blood pressure. Everyone wants to eat better, but how do you define “better”? Dig up and eat some wild vegetables, and some sweet potatoes; that’s what I call eating healthily.
Let me tell you a story about a disciple, and also a friend of mine. She’s in China now. It’s a sad story about her. It’s a true story. She and her husband started their own company and made a lot of money. They were not super-rich, but still rich. She told me they had about 18 million RMB in their savings. How much USD is that? (About 3 million USD.) I see. I’m talking about cash only, properties not included. (OK, 3 million USD cash.) Not bad, right? (Pretty good.)
They were not living in Beijing or Shanghai, just some low-cost, third-tier city, making them even richer. She thought her husband was socializing too much and eating too much luxurious food. As a result, he developed a big belly and a poor complexion. We told the lady to get herself and her husband checked at the hospital. Her husband was diagnosed with high cholesterol, blood lipids and blood pressure.
After her husband got his checkup report, the doctor told the woman she should stay for a night and get a checkup too. (The doctor knew something.) It was liver disease. (Yes, the doctor must’ve sensed something, so he asked her to stay.) It was liver cirrhosis. It was not normal; she was diagnosed with 2 types of hepatitis. (She had no idea.) No idea at all. (That is so sad.) She had no time to get sick; she was too busy running her own business, just too busy.
When she heard the doctor, her legs began to shake. She was stunned, and she felt pain all over her body. She told me what she had experienced; some ward mates chatted with her about their job and family last night, and then, they couldn’t talk and passed away the next day. Every time a ward mate died, the others would cry. They were worried that they might be the next to die. She had more than 30 ward mates and after a while, she was alone.
Their savings went dry, and their mansion was sold to treat her condition. The doctor said there was no effective medicine, so every option would be considered. Every week, specialists would come and check up on her. They charged a lot, you know? That’s where they spent all their money. In the end, they had nothing. She had to stay home, as they couldn’t afford the hospital care anymore. Yup, she’d spent one whole year at the hospital. The doctor gave her permission to go home and asked her to do the things she liked. Why not? Since there were no longer any options. That’s life.
Then the doctor told her about a TCM doctor and asked her to check him out. She did, since she’d nothing to lose and she was dying anyway. That doctor was a bit different. He was giving herbs and vegetables to his patients. The herbs were homegrown. He helped some patients alleviate their condition. These patients also grew herbs to be given to other patients. He asked about the lady’s condition and gave her some herbs, free of charge, since they were grown by the other patients. The doctor wasn’t trying to make money, so she got some herbs for free. “Try it, this herb cured many patients,” the doctor said.
She thought, “Why not?” She had nothing to lose anyway. She ate some of it and also planted some. The herbs grew easily. She found they tasted quite good, so she kept going back to the herb planter for more. Later, her own herbs grew taller, and she continued to eat them for years. For YEARS. (She survived, and for years! After her ward mates died, she continued to live for years.) (The doctor gave up on her when she was discharged.) She had no more money. (No cure either.) Yes, the doctor ran out of ideas, so he let her go home.
(She was saved by the herbs given by the TCM doctor.) She told me she had no more money to buy medicine, and she also moved back to her old, worn-out house. At first, she was taking home some herbs from the herb planter. Later, she was growing some on her own in her own backyard. She was eating the herbs steamed, stir-fried, boiled and raw. She was still alive 6 years after she was discharged.
When she called me, it was 7.5 years after she was discharged. Yes, she survived her liver disease. She also practiced Energy Bagua and now she walks faster than her daughter. She went back to the doctors who treated her before, and none believed what they saw. None of them thought she would actually make it. She’s become pretty too. She doesn’t seem like a former liver-disease patient at all from her appearance, complexion, movement, etc. That’s how it is. Her liver disease has healed completely.
(Please tell us what herb she took.) Alright, let’s unfold it. (OK.) It’s called stringy stonecrop (Sedum sarmentosum). Stringy stonecrop. (I see.) Usually nobody grows this. It doesn’t taste that bad, not bitter. (Most people thought it was purslane. That’s another herb.) Yes. (It’s not the same.) Right. (Purslane has its own medicinal benefits. We found another herb in North America that looks like stringy stonecrop, but it’s a different herb. We tasted it, and it doesn’t taste like stringy stonecrop. Its medicinal benefits could be different too.)
Stringy stonecrop has red stems and thick leaves with little yellow flowers. This herb can be found in many regions in Asia. It grows easily in many places in China, such as Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Shandong and in Northeastern China. You’ll find some seeds in the blooming flowers; these seeds can be planted. If you bury a flower petal in the soil, it’ll grow. (It grows easily.) Right. (I see.)
(A study conducted by the School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, found that stringy stonecrop heals jaundice, damp-heat, urination issues, cut infections, and acute and chronic hepatitis. The findings are somewhat similar to those of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which were that the herb protects the liver, reduces enzymes in the body, heals jaundice, damp-heat, and acute and chronic hepatitis, as well as other liver diseases. The Journal of Biomedical Engineering from Southwestern University stated that stringy stonecrop helps with liver damage caused by drugs and promotes the growth of healthy liver cells.)
Stringy stonecrop’s medicinal benefits are proven in studies conducted by medical specialists around the world. In Asia, this herb is often mistaken for a weed. I think people will try to grow it after today’s lesson. I think it should be quite common at the TCM clinics.
(So this herb saved someone who had late-stage liver cirrhosis. Can it help people with poor liver health, but not as severe as what that lady went through?) Yes, of course. (Can it help people who have had surgery to remove a liver tumor?) Yes, of course. The herb is good for all liver diseases, and before or after a liver operation. You can take it even if you’re not sure about your liver condition. It’s a cooling herb that clears toxins.
How you take this herb depends on the severity of your liver disease. Take 100 g a day if you’re diagnosed with a liver disease. You can blend it with milk to make a milkshake. You can blanch it and serve it cold, and add some salt or soy sauce to taste. Keep the seasoning light. Don’t overdo it by deep-frying it, or stir-frying with lots of oil. Please don’t do this. The best way to serve it is to make it a cold salad with chopped garlic. Wash and cut it; you can blanch it a little if you want, then chop up some raw garlic and add that in. Raw garlic kills bacteria, relieves inflammation and protects the liver.
(Or, add the chopped herb into congee.) Yes, add it in when the congee is almost done. The heat from the congee will cook the herb. That’s how you make herb congee. (When the congee boils again, you can turn off the heat.) (What about using it as filling for buns, dumplings or cornstarch balls?) That’s too much, I think. You’re going to need a lot to make bun filling. Mixing it with flour, plus the long steaming time; I think the herb’s medicinal benefits will be somewhat reduced. You won’t find any during winter, so it’s best to stock up on dried herb before winter approaches and grind it into powder. (Make a tea with it?) You can have it in paste form; just add hot water to the powder.
(How long should we take it to see some improvements?) You shall continue taking it from the moment you’re diagnosed with a liver disease. Keep taking it as long as you’re still alive. You’d die if you stopped taking it. You may stop taking it, or take it less, when the doctor tells you you’re fully recovered. (Stringy stonecrop is a good herb with very few side effects. For those with a weak stomach and spleen, or those whose stomach gets chilled easily, please don’t eat it raw and cold. Don’t eat it cold; you can add it to your congee or add it to your soups. Just don’t eat it raw and cold. So far, we haven’t seen reports of any side effects. So it’s quite a safe herb, I guess.)
It’s used for liver treatment, having a cooling effect. It’s normal for a liver-healing herb to be cool in nature. We can counter this. If you’re boiling fresh stringy stonecrop, say, 50 g in a pot, you may add in a red date. We can call it stringy stonecrop tea, and the red date makes it less cooling in nature. That’s how you do it. (What a good idea.) Boil everything for several minutes, that’s it. You can even eat the herb after finishing the tea.
(Our online friends mentioned that if someone gets angry and loses their temper easily, offer them a bit of this stringy stonecrop tea.) (To cool off their liver heat?) Yes, it’s also liver-nourishing, sight-improving, life-prolonging and cancer-preventing. You should take this herb at least once per week.
So far, no TCM or Western medicine practitioner has found the cure for liver disease. As such, there’s no harm in taking this herb. If you need this herb, you may buy fresh herb to eat first; you can keep some dried herb too. (Today’s lesson is encouraging, indeed.) You feel hope. (Yes.) This herb could save many lives. (We’re grateful to you, Grandmaster!) You’re welcome. It’s my responsibility to let you all know. (We’re grateful to you, Grandmaster!) We suggest that everyone grow this herb at home. When you’re harvesting, keep some for your family and give some to your friends.It’s good to make people around you healthy.
Again, a reminder here: Keep things balanced out. Being a liver-cleansing and anti-toxin herb, it is a bit cooling in nature. I mentioned adding a red date to make it less cooling, right? Doing this doesn’t affect its medicinal benefits. You may also add some licorice or goji berries. This is also for the purpose of balancing; it also helps with absorption. With the right combination, you can balance things out while also improving the herb’s efficacy.
That’s all the info about stringy stonecrop. I wish you health and longevity. (Received.) Thank you. (Thank you, Grandmaster!)