Greed is the Source of Afflictions Understand the inner self in-depth and cut off the root of your afflictions.Read Article
Compassion and AttachmentsHow to deal with egotism and downplay gains and losses with compassionRead Article
Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Thoughts on Freeing Captive AnimalsHow Grandmaster JinBodhi sees the act of releasing captive animals.Read Article
Foundations of BuddhahoodAchieving Buddhahood requires resources, and helping others requires courage.Read Article
The Six-Syllable Mantra Protects UsThe six syllables that make you auspicious, wise and healthy.Read Article
Compassion as WaterLearn about the spirit of water and strengthen your faith in the value of helping others.Read Article
Through the Eyes of BuddhaHeight determines vision. Compassion transcends time and space.Read Article
Worries are the First Step to BuddhahoodWhy are afflictions the first step to Buddhahood?Read Article