Bodhi Meditation music, free download! A wide variety of healing and guided meditation music available, and you can listen offline, no internet required.

Great news! Bodhi meditation music is available for free download!

To enable more people to achieve a healthy and happy life, Grandmaster JinBodhi has made Bodhi Meditation’s music available for free download to the public. Both Chinese and English versions are provided so that people around the world can listen to the energy-filled meditation music, healing their body and mind, and gaining pure wisdom.

The four major Bodhi Meditation music collections offer a wide variety of options. Feel free to download and share them, bringing health and happiness to those around you!

1. Meditation Music
The Meditation of Greater Illumination, The Meditation of Purity, The Meditation of Bone Melting

2. Chanting Music & Mantras
The Medicine Buddha’s Heart Mantra, The Earth Store Bodhisattva’s (Ksitigarbha) Heart Mantra, Guru Rinpoche’s Heart Mantra, Chanting to Sakyamuni Buddha, Chanting to Avalokitesvara, The Six-Syllable Mantra

3. Energy Bagua
Energy Bagua Daily Practice Guide, Energy Bagua Aerobics

4. Healing Music, Sleep Music, Learning Music

Follow the steps below to download the music to your phone, computer, or other devices. Listen offline anytime you want, with no internet connection required—simple and convenient! Whether it’s before bed, while studying, or working, you can have Grandmaster JinBodhi’s healing music accompany you, always receiving the blessing of Grandmaster’s energy!

Bodhi Meditation Music Download Link (Available in Chinese and English):

Steps to Download Bodhi Meditation Music:

● Android Phone Download Instructions:

Steps 1 to 3 for Downloading Free Music on Android
Steps 4 to 6 for Downloading Free Music on Android
Steps 7 to 9 for Downloading Free Music on Android

● iPhone Download Instructions:

Steps 1 to 3 for Downloading Free Music on iPhone
Steps 4 to 6 for Downloading Free Music on iPhone
Steps 7 to 10 for Downloading Free Music on iPhone