
Happy New Year everyone.

Bodhi practitioners and friends, you have contributed a great deal in 2019. You have worked hard to benefit sentient beings all year. You have sacrificed time with your kids and family to contribute your precious time to the Bodhi cause. Your sincere giving changed many lives.

Many left behind pain and suffering, and regained their health and happiness. Others are now enjoying warm, harmonious family lives, instead of living in misunderstanding and coldness. Yet many more hopeless people have regained their hope and confidence. Many underprivileged children received educational opportunities in order to build beautiful futures.

Countless times throughout the past year, you wiped your tears away, strengthened your belief and gave a confident smile. Your efforts made a difference. It is making the world a better place. Compassion made you the strongest and bravest people. I am proud of you.

The year 2020 is soon to arrive. I want to work together with our practitioners and kind members of society to continue contributing to all sentient beings. This New Year, I wish for a peaceful world without war or epidemics. I wish smooth sailing, abundance and peace amongst all people.

Thank you everyone.