
What should you do if you feel dizzy? Should you take medication or lie still and wait for the dizziness to pass? Is there another way to cure dizziness?

Many factors can cause dizziness, such as menopause, cold energy, inner ear imbalance and heredity. But as Grandmaster JinBodhi said, “Any problem has a solution.” So how can you relieve dizziness? If you have been troubled by dizziness for a long time and have been looking for a cure, listen to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s recommendation!

【You will learn】

  • Several common causes of dizziness
  • Ways to cure dizziness


If you are over 50, feeling dizzy is normal. It could be menopause. Some experience it when they are still young. There are numerous reasons for dizziness. It could be due to spinal problems, cold draft entering your head, hereditary factors, underdeveloped brain, etc. There are many reasons. I am not sure about what caused hers. Like I said, it could be due to menopause.

Some would say that based on Western medicine, an imbalance of ear fluid can also cause dizziness. So dizziness is very difficult to get rid of. Ear-fluid imbalance can easily cause dizziness. People with this have difficulty walking in a straight line. They can’t walk straight with their arms wide open for 10 meters. This disorder is very hard to solve. Every problem has a solution. How? Energy Bagua.

She might feel dizzier walking in circles, but when you can walk 100 circles without feeling dizzy, you become a pro, very skilled. Energy Bagua is extremely effective against dizziness. Your first time, especially the first 10 days doing Energy Bagua, you’d feel dizzy, right? You completely lose your sense of direction while walking. Especially when it comes to changing hands, you don’t know which hand to raise and feel like the 1,000-arm Guanyin Bodhisattva. You are too dizzy to know.

But one day when you are no longer dizzy, it means your brain has regained its balance. You are one step away from being a martial master. If your arms are powerful enough, you become a perfect archer who can shoot with great precision. But if you don’t have this Energy Bagua exercise, you would feel dizzy easily. For dizziness, this is how I would fix it.