Guided by Grandmaster JinBodhi’s compassionate great vows, Bodhi Meditation has always been committed to helping the public obtain health and happiness. The organization has so far made its mark in more than 50 countries and established thriving Bodhi Meditation Centers in more than 10 countries and regions, benefiting countless people by improving their quality of life.

Bodhi Meditation Vancouver Center was the first and most important establishment in Grandmaster JinBodhi’s spread of dharma internationally. Since opening its doors in 2005, the center has continually taught easy-to-learn and effective meditation methods at many events and meditation courses such as the Health & Happiness Retreat, Stress Relief Retreat, and the Energy Bagua Class to help people rapidly boost their mental and physical wellbeing. Such efforts have earned Bodhi Meditation the recognition and support of the Canadian government at all levels as well as that of the public. During important festivals, Bodhi Meditation Vancouver Center receives congratulatory letters from the prime minister and other government officials.

As we approach the 2024 Lunar New Year, it is time to reflect on our good memories and achievements of 2023 and look forward to flourishing and fruitfulness in the Year of the Dragon, which symbolizes great leadership. In welcoming 2024, the prime minister of Canada, the premier of British Columbia, and the mayor of Richmond have all sent congratulatory letters to honor the compassionate deeds and contribution of Bodhi Meditation in our community, expressing their best Lunar New Year wishes to Bodhi Meditation and Grandmaster JinBodhi!

Prime Minister’s 2024 Spring Festival Congratulatory Letter